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 Mongoose BB™
The Mongoose BikeBoard™ Group (TMBBG) was formed in 2003 and the task to bring this new Board platform to market was started...

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Mongoose BikeBoard™

You have found the web site of Mongoose BikeBoard™ !
The Mongoose BikeBoard™ is designed to stand alongside the fun and skill of the Surfboard, Skateboard, Snowboard, and the Wakeboard. It provides a platform for those riders who have never before been able to experience the sensation of riding these other board platforms, to get similar sensations and excitement.

The Mongoose BikeBoard™ is fun, develops coordination, is great for exercise and transportation, and in the near future will be an exhilarating sport with visions of joining the X-Games!

The Mongoose BikeBoard™

The Mongoose BikeBoard™ team is proud to announce the availability of our flagship product: The Mongoose BikeBoard™. Please take a moment to check out this new product and don't forget to view the video or take the Mongoose BikeBoard™ for a 3D spin.

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Legend MBB™ Toys 'R US

Mongoose BikeBoard™ Legend Model

 The MBB™ Models
Mongoose BikeBoard™ Models
Check out the new Mongoose BikeBoard™ models...

 3D Spin

Take a BikeBoard™ for a spin...

 ProStreet Photos
MBB ProStreet Slide Show
 Legend Photos
MBB Legend Slide Show

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© Mongoose BikeBoard™ 2007